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Leading in Times of Challenge with Kristi Knous

Kristi Knous Headshot

As president of the Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines, Kristi Knous recently activated the Disaster Recovery Fund in light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Kristi also serves as a tri-chair of the Capital Crossroads Community Visioning Initiative.

Kristi Knous Leadership Tips

Kristi has 18 years of experience with the Community Foundation and has been through challenging times before, including the 2008 economic downturn; however, she admits the past few weeks are unlike anything she’s lived through professionally before. As a trusted steward for charitable funds, the Community Foundation works with donors and organizations to maximize investments. Kristi explains that they feel responsible for those organizations who rely on endowments. She says that during times of crisis, it is of the utmost importance that the Community Foundation is transparent and available to their partners to instill confidence. When the community struggles, Greater Des Moines (DSM) nonprofits are asked to do more with less. The Community Foundation must provide tools, support, care and compassion while navigating changes.

Listen to the entire podcast: Leading In Times Of Challenge — Kristi Knous

The Leading in Times of Change podcast is brought to you by the Greater Des Moines Partnership and hosted by Mike Jefferson. The podcast features community leaders from across Greater Des Moines (DSM). To listen to more Partnership podcasts, click here.

Leading in Times of Challenge

Leading in Times of Challenge is a podcast featuring Greater Des Moines (DSM) business and community leaders.