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Connect With Us

Connect with The Partnership and its programs and initiatives by following us on social media, signing up for newsletters and becoming a DSM USA Ambassador for Greater Des Moines (DSM).

Become a DSM USA Ambassador

Take pride in DSM! Learn how to become a DSM USA Ambassador for the region.

Connect on Social Media

Like Greater Des Moines Partnership on Facebook, and follow @DSMpartnership on Twitter and Instagram. Use #DSMUSA on social media, and be sure to join the #DSMUSA Facebook Group.

E-Newsletter Signup

Sign up for The Partnership's offerings of e-newsletters here.

Podcast Subscription

Learn about The Partnership's various podcast channels and subscribe to each on here.

Share Your Story

Interested in sharing your DSM story? Learn more about contributing a blog post to our Partnership blog. For more information, please email mfarni@DSMpartnership.com.

Greater Des Moines PartnershipDSMpartnership.com


Downtown DSM USAdowntownDSMUSA.com


Downtown Farmers' Marketdesmoinesfarmersmarket.com


World Food & Music Festivalworldfoodandmusicfestival.com


Young Professionals Connection (YPC)ypcDSM.com
