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Donations, Sponsorships, Ads = Overwhelmed

At Crossroads Shooting Sports, General Manager Tom Hudson says your small business needs to be building your brand through marketing and advertising during a breakout session at the 2019 Small Business Success Summit.


How to Succeed

To set up your brand for success, it’s crucial to allocate time for specific tasks, create a focus for your team by planning for both big picture and small tasks, develop your budget and ask questions of our ad rep to be able to choose between various options.

Determine the Problem

What is your customer asking you? Do you have the answers they need? It’s important to be able to hone in on what your customer is really asking for to better know how you can help them.

Reach Your Customer

What kind of advertising will you utilize? From traditional, online, social, local and outdoor, Crossroads Shooting Sports creates opportunities in many ways. Through email marketing to more than 20,000, Crossroads also tries to integrate all advertising together.

Looking for tools to help grow your startup or small business? Visit the Small Business Resources Hub to find the information you need or sign up for Mentor Connection to build relationships with a trusted group of mentors.