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Get to Know Tweet Week Artist Linda Lewis

Linda Lewis Tweet Week

Artist Linda Lewis created ceramic birds for the third annual Downtown DSM Tweet Week event happening throughout Downtown Des Moines (DSM) neighborhoods and districts. The free event is a chance to find a piece of local art using social media clues to find its location.

Linda Lewis Q+A

How did you get started with Tweet Week?

I had heard of another community where they put little things out and hid them. Then, something popped up on my Facebook about doing a project for Art Week, and I thought that could be a perfect thing to get people to Downtown DSM. Three artists from our studio took part in it the first year, including Emily MacFarland and Marion Nehmar, and it took place within Mainframe Studios. After seeing the Ornaments You Keep project with the Greater Des Moines Partnership, we made a connection to expand the Tweet Week event to the wider downtown area.

What was your favorite part of participating in this event?

I love the idea of handmade items and that we carry over the same idea each year. The ceramic birds say summer to me, and the act of hiding art and creating something interactive for people who aren’t necessarily in the art scene at all is something special as well. Anybody can take part, and I like that aspect of the event.

Did you go with a specific theme for creating your birds?

No, but I like very colorful birds so mine are a little quirky and quite colorful.

What is your favorite place to hide birds in Downtown DSM?

I like to hide mine in the John and Mary Pappajohn Sculpture Park.

Why would you suggest people participate in Tweet Week over the next week?

It’s a way to reintroduce yourself to parts of Downtown DSM that you maybe haven’t been to in a while like the Historic East Village. Make a day of it — grab lunch or ice cream while you’re here to celebrate the community, the summer season and appreciate all we have down here. You might take something home with you, too!

Where can people view/purchase your art next?

My website is lindalewisart.com. My studio is at #433 at Mainframe Studios in Downtown DSM.

Downtown Des Moines (DSM) activations pop up from time to time, and these events provide fun for the whole family! Check out Hide and Seek, Tweet Week and more across downtown.

Greater Des Moines Partnership

DSM USA is the regional identifier for Greater Des Moines (DSM). DSM USA is a bold statement to the world: This is a welcoming, diverse and vibrant community with affordable and accessible amenities for residents and businesses. This regional identifier is the result of significant quantitative and qualitative research. The Partnership will champion the DSM USA message, and encourages its Investors, its more than 6,500 Regional Business Members and DSM USA Ambassadors to help share the region's story with One Voice.