I Can't See Myself Living in Any Other City
I remember falling in love with Greater Des Moines (DSM) on one of my visits to the city.
It was February and cold. I remember standing in one of the warm skywalks in Downtown DSM and you could see all the buildings around. It was a great view and you knew that everything was accessible. The Capitol was so close, and the Downtown skyline was impressive. You could see out to Western Gateway Park and you knew that the community was here and that you could really feel a part of it and root yourself into DSM.
An easy sell
DSM was an easy sell for me. When I was graduating, the job market was hot in DSM, so it was easy for me to find a job. I didn’t really know where I was going so it helped that I found a job quickly here. Then as I got involved in the community and I put myself out there, it was an easy sell to just stay. Everybody here in DSM is very welcoming and very accessible. It’s easy to get involved and feel a part of the community. DSM is now where I live and I don’t see myself going anywhere else. There are no other cities that have the allure to what DSM is offering.
DSM offers incredible accessibility to leadership. Everybody is welcoming and the leaders in this community always want to grab a coffee or have a conversation. I don’t think you get that anywhere else. Growing your career and being involved in the community go together.
DSM is different
We bought our first home so my partner could buy, sell and flip it to pay off his student loans. I remember looking back and thinking, “Why am I doing this?” It was taking up all my free time and all I really wanted to do was go for a run or enjoy the outdoors. But it’s one of those processes that you feel the gratification at the end. As you’re doing it, and you’re hating the late nights and weekends that you’re spending renovating homes, you look back at the process and the progress that you’ve made, it’s just extremely gratifying. When you can see everything come together and you know you put your hard work, blood, sweat and tears into a project and in the end it was all worth it. DSM made it easy.
Operating a business
During the day, I’m a small business manager. DSM is very unique. We have a great network of individuals who are operating businesses just like ours that provide great insight. It goes back to everybody genuinely wanting to help each other out and make all our small businesses thrive. You gain invaluable skills while leading committees and sitting on boards and networking with individuals, and I think the leadership here in DSM really understands that and appreciates the value that you bring with that.
DSM truly does have it all. Whether it be your hard work and your career, or your involvement in the community or your passions outside of work and your interests, DSM really, truly does have it all.
Are you interested in moving to DSM? Click to request a Relocation Packet. Or, kick start your career by checking out the DSM USA Career Center. It has over 10,000 jobs listed!
Abby Rodewald
Abby Rodewald is manager at Heart of Iowa Market Place and visionary creative at Vino209. She was also the 2017 Young Professionals Connection (YPC) president.