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2022 Affiliate Chamber Spotlight: Johnston Chamber of Commerce

Johnston Chamber 2022

July 21, 2022

Chamber Name + Website

Johnston Chamber of Commerce

Elected Leader for 2022

Allan Graham, President Samantha Winebrenner, Executive Director

Professional Staff Leader of the Chamber

Samantha Winebrenner, Executive Director

Number of Members

296 Members

How Does a Business Join Your Chamber?

Anyone can go and sign up on our website! But I love to meet with potential members to talk about our events, the benefits we offer and what might be up and coming. I also encourage people who are interested to check out our events calendar and come to an event or two to meet other members and see how we do things.

What Inspired You to First Get Involved with Your Chamber?

I was very involved with another chamber and lots of networking groups. I love connecting with people whether it be business or personal, and I love meeting new people. I was looking for a career change and this opportunity came up through someone I had met through another chamber! It seemed right up my alley to be able to network for a living!

What is a Signature Offering of Your Chamber?

Obviously, our biggest event is our Johnston Green Days festival that is held every June. It is a huge event, that allows our members to sponsor and volunteer and get out in front of the community and meet residents or other businesses!

What Initiative/Project Are You Looking Forward to in the Upcoming Year?

Being newer to the chamber, I am looking forward to adding some specific programming especially for our younger professionals. I am also excited to collaborate with other close chambers for events! We are very excited for Bomber’s and for the addition of Backpocket Brewing and other restaurants coming to the town center!

What Partnership Tools/Resources Have Been Most Beneficial to Your Chamber Members?

I think the training events for our business owners and entrepreneurs are a huge asset to our members. Keeping them up-to-date on new resources that are available to them or what’s changing on a bigger level that could have an impact on them at the local level.

What Are Your Upcoming Events?

The Greater Des Moines Partnership is the fourth largest regional Chamber of Commerce in the nation. Learn more about Partnership Affiliate Chambers, browse the Membership Directory and read additional Affiliate Chamber spotlights.

Samantha Winebrenner

Sam Winebrenner is Executive Director for the Johnston Chamber of Commerce. She enjoys meeting new people and helping business owners find success in the community. She serves on the Urbandale Chamber of Commerce GenYP Board, co-chairs the social committee and volunteers as Des Moines Ecosystem Ambassador for Bunker Labs.
