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DSM Employment Ready with David Leto

David Leto Palmer Group

April 23, 2020


David Leto joined Palmer Group in 2004 after moving back to Greater Des Moines (DSM). He is president of the full-service talent solutions firm which focuses on people looking for jobs, outplacing processes for companies that are downsizing, as well as IT services. Dave joins colleague Brian Berry to share his thoughts on embracing change during the DSM Employment Ready podcast. The two have experienced change together, both personal and professional, including moving to a 100% employee-owned company.

Finding Hope in Change

Changing careers is one of the biggest challenges people can face in their life. Since the COVID-19 situation began, Dave says that it is obvious that change is coming quicker and faster. Due to COVID-19, employees at Palmer Group have had to accept big changes in a short amount of time.

In his early career, Dave says that someone once told him, “Change is the only constant.” Dave explains that change can be very positive, but it can also be hard. It involves stress and worry. While it’s not always easy to adjust to change, major changes are opportunities to learn. When a change has happened, a few questions people will ask themselves when caught up in the anxiety of it include:

·       Why has the change happened?

·       How does it affect me/my family?

·       What am I going to do about the change?

·       What will happen to my sense of identity?


Fear is not useful in dealing with change. To manage change, Dave offers up alternative questions that will help you move past the fear and into a place of acceptance. These include:

·       How can I use this change to better my situation?

·       What can I learn or how can I grow through this?


Dave reiterates that you can’t let negative thoughts control the narrative. Positive people are happier in the long run, he states. You need to find ways in which you can learn from change and become stronger.

Listen to the entire podcast: DSM Employment Ready - Dave Leto and Brian Berry

The DSM Employment Ready podcast is brought to you by the Greater Des Moines Partnership. The podcast features insight into employment in Greater Des Moines (DSM) during the COVID-19 crisis. To listen to more Partnership podcasts, click here.

The DSM Employment Ready podcast series has concluded. For more talent development information and conversations, visit the Future Ready DSM podcast.
DSM Employment Ready

The DSM Employment Ready podcast is designed to help the Greater Des Moines (DSM) workforce learn tools, tips and techniques to increase employability value and become the employee they want to be. The series will help employees find resources to improve their talent skillset and competencies. The DSM Employment Ready podcast series has concluded. For more talent development information and conversations, visit the Future Ready DSM podcast.