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Marketing Advice for Small Businesses

Drew McLellan, CEO of McLellan Marketing Group in Greater Des Moines (DSM), explores simple marketing tips pre-social media from Harry Beckwith’s bestselling book, Selling the Invisible. A reminder from the book: “Services are human.” Small businesses and startups should heed the book’s advice and remember that relationships and success depend on people.

Five Questions from Selling the Invisible

1. How different are you?

Drew describes how identifying and understanding your brand is critical to the marketplace. This will mean asking customers how they see your brand. Then, figure out how you stand out and gain a competitive advantage.

2. How do you serve them?

Startups need to adopt a service attitude. Marketing is easier once it becomes about the customer and what your business can do for the customer taking the risk by buying your product or service.

3. How do you listen to them?

Hear what your customer is saying. If you can erase negative emotions, word-of-mouth marketing can take off. A third party is a way to do that to get feedback that can lead to change for your company.

4. How do you protect them?

Be the customer’s advocate. Drew explains how customers don’t buy anything that they aren’t emotionally connected to and it’s the business’ job to understand that emotional connection.

5. How invested are you?

From a consumer’s point of view, they are taking the risk and want to know that you are invested in them and the product or service you are selling. When you do work that matters to you, the customer can trust and value your product and service. Drew says marketing comes down to the following: Ask. Listen. Reiterate. Repeat.