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Why the 2020 Census Is Important

2020 Census in Greater Des Moines

March 12, 2020

Beginning today, households will receive official Census Bureau mail with detailed information on how to respond to the 2020 Census including being able to return your information online, by phone or by mail.

Census 2020Why Is the Census Important?

The results are used to determine how much funding local communities receive for key public services and how many seats each state gets in Congress. State and local officials also use census counts to draw boundaries for congressional, state legislative and school districts.

Types of Questions to Expect

The questions asked include the number of persons living at your address (related or not); their gender (which allows the creation of statistics about males and females and is used in planning and funding government programs); to inform the enforcement laws, regulations and policies against discrimination; date of birth (to better understand the size and characteristics of different age groups); ethnicity (which helps monitor compliance with anti-discrimination provisions, such as those in the Voting Rights Act and the Civil Rights Act); names (which help ensure that the Census Bureau is counting everyone once, only once and in the right place); as well as relationships within the household (which help develop data about families and is used in planning and funding government programs that support families, including people raising children alone).

Getting a complete and accurate census count is critically important. That's why your response is required by law. If you do not respond, the U.S. Census Bureau will follow up in person to collect your response.

And while you are required by law to participate, the Census Bureau is also required by law to protect your answers. Your responses are used only to produce statistics. The Census Bureau does not disclose any personal information.

For more information on the 2020 Census, visit 2020census.gov.

The Greater Des Moines Partnership is the economic and community development organization that serves Greater Des Moines (DSM), Iowa. Together with 24 Affiliate Chambers of Commerce, more than 6,500 Regional Business Members and more than 365 Investors, The Partnership drives economic growth with one voice, one mission and as one region. Through innovation, strategic planning and global collaboration, The Partnership grows opportunity, helps create jobs and promotes DSM as the best place to build a business, a career and a future. Learn more at DSMpartnership.com.

Meg Schneider

Meg Schneider is a member of the Forbes Nonprofit Council, an invitation-only organization for senior-level executives in successful nonprofit organizations.