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The Partnership's Federal Advocacy Efforts in 2022

Federal Advocacy Efforts

September 28, 2022

Over the last month, the Greater Des Moines Partnership has continued to advocate on The Partnership’s 2022 Federal Policy Agenda, elevating regional priorities with Iowa’s Congressional delegation and staffers during Partnership 101 and the DMDC 2022 Featured Priorities trip. Partnership 101

During Partnership 101, The Partnership hosted Iowa’s Congressional staffers in Greater Des Moines (DSM) for an opportunity to learn more about The Partnership and view firsthand the many projects taking place in DSM USA. Those projects included the Purple Heart Highway Interstate Designation, Des Moines International Airport Terminal Project, Pro Iowa Soccer Stadium and Global Plaza, Iowa Confluence (ICON) Water Trails and the Des Moines Transload Facility.

We continued those policy discussions during a trip to Washington, D.C. where we advocated for The Partnership’s 2022 Federal Policy Agenda and Featured Priorities with Iowa’s Congressional delegation. Joining The Partnership on the DMDC 2022 Featured Priorities trip were: Jason Bassett, Director of Government Affairs for Krause Group; Nate Easter, Director of Commercial Development for Krause Group; Hannah Inman, CEO for Great Outdoors Foundation; Brian Mulcahy, Assistant Executive Director for the Des Moines International Airport and Gunnar Olson, Communications Director for the Des Moines Area MPO. Federal Advocacy

During the trip we had the opportunity to meet face-to-face with all six members of Iowa’s Congressional delegation and focus our conversations on The Partnership’s 2022 Federal Agenda’s Featured Priorities:

Des Moines International Airport Terminal Project

The Partnership supports federal funding for the expansion of the Des Moines International Airport Terminal Project. Creative funding solutions and direct appropriations that further address the immediate need of space to accommodate a growing population are necessary to ensure economic growth for DSM. Advocacy Efforts in 2022

ICON Water Trails

The Partnership supports the regionally connected system or natural resource areas and recreational amenities that will make up the ICON Water Trails. This project is a true public-private partnership and will serve the region’s efforts to attract and retain talent to DSM. 

Infrastructure Projects

Following the passage and ongoing rollout of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, The Partnership supports the region’s ability to capture funding for key transportation and infrastructure projects. Additionally, the return of Community Project Funding, of which The Partnership supports, will aid in the advancement of these projects, such as the interstate designation of the Purple Heart Highway bypass, broadband infrastructure and funding for regional water infrastructure projects. Featured Priority Discussions

Talent Recruitment

Talent continues to be the number one priority of Partnership Members and Investors. From health care to hospitality, the need for talent is both broad and specific and will require a number of strategies to address the ongoing shortage exacerbated by the pandemic and global events. The Partnership supports creative policy solutions that support existing talent needs and identifying strategies to utilize untapped talent such as targeted immigration reform, expansion and funding for Graduated Medical Education and additional funding for the Restaurant Revitalization Fund through the U.S. Small Business Administration. Talent recruitment will also require community placemaking projects that attract a diverse workforce, a strong arts and culture ecosystem and access to safe and affordable childcare and housing.

The Partnership's Public Policy team engages with local, state and federal officials to create public policy that generates economic growth, business prosperity and talent development in Greater Des Moines (DSM). The Partnership is a nonpartisan organization.

Ryan Moon, IOM

Ryan Moon, IOM is the Director of Government Relations and Public Policy at the Greater Des Moines Partnership.