AHA Iowa Provides Conversation + Resources on COVID-19 in the Fall
Many of us have a never-ending supply of questions revolving around family, school, COVID-19 and physical and mental health. You are not alone. The American Heart Association – Iowa is working locally, nationally and internationally with researchers, medical experts, community leaders, businesses, families and more to reduce the impact of the coronavirus through community conversations. They recently gathered local professionals for a community conversation about Family, School, COVID in the Fall and what families should do now.
“This is a challenging time for all of us and we want you to know that we are in this together,” said Wesley Franklin, community impact director with the American Heart Association. “It is our goal to keep you, the public, informed and to also provide you with support and resources available through the AHA. We aim to be a trusted voice in the noisy, chaotic environment of this coronavirus pandemic.”

A Community Conversation on COVID-19
Panelists provided updates on what local professionals are doing to help protect the Greater Des Moines (DSM) community against COVID-19 and provided helpful resources for families around pediatric support and how to stay healthy during this pandemic.
Panelists included Dr. Jennifer Groos, pediatrician with Primary Health Care, Inc.; Julia Richards Krapfl, MS, community outreach educator with Blank Children's Hospital; and Dr. Warren Phillips, president and clinical psychologist with Transformative Workplace Solutions.
Supportive guidance was also provided for families dealing with depression and anxiety amidst virus concerns. One way to fight both physical and mental illness is with nutrition.
“Pandemic aside, we are going into cold and flu season in the next couple of months. Food with nutrition helps us build our immune systems,” said Richards. “It is really important right now that we are taking in food with actual nutrition to get our bodies as healthy as they can be going into this season.”
Other important tips included making sure to separate work, school and family space at the end of the day. Families are encouraged to set up specific areas (not beds) to do their work and then at the end of the day put it away.
AHA Resources for Families
Below are resources the AHA and panelists have gathered to help provide support in finding virtual tutors, backup care and virtual in-home learning: Helpr, UrbanSitter, Care.com, Bright Horizons
Be on the lookout for the full conversation on the America Heart Association’s Facebook page, for the full conversation. To find out how you can get involved with volunteering, sponsorships or to donate please visit heart.org/desmoines.
You can count on The Partnership to continue to share accurate and fact-based updates. See more on COVID-19 here.
Jolene Bopp
Jolene Bopp is the Iowa communications director for the American Heart Association.