Advocate as One Region with One Voice at DMDC
In May, the Greater Des Moines Partnership will embark on its annual DMDC trip to Washington, D.C. With around 185 business, community and public sector leaders taking this trip each year, DMDC represents one of the largest chamber of commerce fly-ins in the country.
Last year was the first DMDC trip since before the pandemic. The world had changed a great deal between May 2019 and May 2022, but we heard an overwhelming theme during the trip. Attendees were grateful for the spirit of civility that the trip fosters.
Advocacy in Washington, D.C.
The nature of DMDC is that people put their political preferences aside to advocate for regional priorities with one voice as one Greater Des Moines (DSM) region. Each year, The Partnership, under the direction of its Government Policy Council made up of Investors and Members, publishes a Federal Policy Agenda for advocacy efforts in D.C. This agenda focuses on common-ground, actionable solutions on issues that impact the DSM business community. Trip participants present this agenda during the trip.
Our presence at DMDC is noticed by our elected officials and their staff members. We typically have the opportunity to hear from each member of Iowa’s Congressional Delegation on what they are working on to advocate for our state on the federal level. They also attend an opening night reception where they network with trip attendees. Staff members attend multiple programming elements and participate in workshops to discuss specific policy issues. We will also have the opportunity to hear from elected officials from other states and representatives from the White House Administration.
One thing we often hear trip attendees say is that they get more networking done in three days during DMDC than they accomplish the rest of the year. The trip lends itself to many opportunities to connect with fellow attendees who are leaders in the DSM community.
We hope you consider attending DMDC from May 10 – 12. Registration is open at
The Greater Des Moines Partnership Board is made up of Greater Des Moines (DSM) leaders and industry experts. The Board is united in driving economic growth with one voice, one mission and as one region.
Mike McCoy
Mike McCoy is the CEO of NCMIC and serves as the 2023 Greater Des Moines Partnership Board Chair.