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Digital Coordinator

The Digital Coordinator shall be responsible for keeping YPC at the forefront of technology. The Digital Coordinator shall work with and report to the Communications Director and Board to identify, develop, and implement technology initiatives for YPC. The Digital Coordinator shall be responsible for the ongoing maintenance and improvement of the YPC website as well as collaboration tools and shall perform any other duties as delegated by the Board. The Digital Coordinator is a voting member of the Board.  

YPC Digital Coordinator Responsibilities + Prior Experience

See below for more information on Digital Coordinator responsibilities and ideal traits.

What You’ll Do
  • Develop an understanding of how YPC's platforms work and assist board members with using those systems.
  • Manage the @ypcdsm.com Gmail domain
  • Troubleshoot technical issues as they arise
  • Assist the Board with any tasks that involve the website
What It Takes
  • Basic HTML/CSS knowledge is helpful, but more advanced technical knowledge is not needed. The Webmaster is a support role, not a technical role.
  • Strong organizational skills
  • Time Commitment: 1-4 hours per week
A Strong Candidate
  • Is able to learn how YPC's web CMS works and maintain it
  • Is capable of training board members
  • Is available to investigate any issues that arise that are related to YPC's systems
  • Has a strong knowledge of the mission and purpose of YPC
3 Traits Describing an Ideal Candidate
  • Website management
  • Organized
  • Creative