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Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Questions about YPC? Check out our FAQ section below for answers on everything you need to know about us, from registration to committee involvement to special events.

Who is eligible to join YPC?

Anyone who has a desire to get involved in the community!
There are no specific professional or age requirements for membership.

How much does it cost?

With more than 200 members, YPC provides an opportunity for people to get involved at the level that fits them best. View our application for current prices.

Why join YPC?

  • The opportunity to get involved in the community to advance the initiatives and efforts important to young professionals and to encourage an atmosphere conducive to attracting young professionals to DSM
  • The opportunity to network and meet fellow young professionals in DSM
  • Access to member-only events and specific YPC member benefits provided by area businesses exclusively to YPC members
  • Access to business and community leaders via YPC events and its association with the The Partnership
  • Unique activities showcasing the regional community with a focus on civic, charitable, professional development and social efforts
  • Opportunities to get involved or take on a leadership role in any of YPC's committees
  • Opportunities to attend Partnership activities and events at a Partner Member rate

How can I learn about upcoming events?

Do I have to register to attend YPC events?

Most events do not require pre-registration. Volunteer opportunities, athletic intramurals and ticketed events usually require registration or payment beforehand. Please consult the Calendar of Events for details on a particular event.

How can I learn more about getting involved?

YPC hosts monthly new member meet-ups where attendees have the opportunity to meet current YPC Members and ask questions in a small-group setting. New and prospective members are welcome to attend.  Visit the Calendar of Events for details on the next meet-up.

What are YPC's committees?

YPC’s committees include Athletics, Civic, Volunteer, Diversity and Culture, Impact Downtown, Marketing, Membership, Professional Development and Social. Members have the opportunity to get involved in any number of committees they wish. Non-members are welcome to attend committee meetings but are encouraged to join YPC. Each committee meets on a consistent day and time once a month. Visit our Calendar of Events for committee meeting details.

Who are YPC's leaders and how can I contact them?

The YPC Board is made up of 16 members who are elected annually.
Learn more about the Board.

How do I reset my password or register for an event?

For technical support, please email us at techsupport@ypcDSM.com.