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Communications Director

The Communications Director shall recruit Marketing committee membership and oversee the way YPC communicates to varying audiences, such as members, community partners, stakeholders, and the community at large. The Communications Director shall be responsible for working with the Board to communicate information about YPC and the calendar of events to the General Membership and other stakeholders via newsletter, website, and other means. The Digital Coordinator and Social Media Coordinator will work with the Communication Director to create and execute on a cohesive communications plan. The Communications Director is a member of the Executive Board and is a voting board member.

YPC Communications Director Responsibilities + Prior Experience

See below for more information on Communications Director responsibilities and ideal traits.

What You’ll Do
  • It is essential for the Communications Director to establish consistent communication for YPC's members and non-members through social media, coordination and design of printed materials, event marketing, and overall branding.
  • Work closely with the Marketing and Communications Staff at the Greater Des Moines Partnership, ensuring adherence to brand standards and marketing best-practices
  • Coordinate with Board members planning events or other YPC initiatives that require marketing to the membership
What It Takes
  • An interest in marketing and creating awareness of YPC
  • Strong communication and public speaking skills
  • The ability to lead a committee and delegate tasks (should you choose to chair a standing committee)
  • Time commitment: 5-10 hours per week
A Strong Candidate
  • Has prior marketing experience
  • Has graphic design and video production skills and experience
  • Has participated in the Marketing committee in the past
  • Has a strong knowledge of the mission and purpose of YPC
5 Traits Describing an Ideal Candidate
  • Communication/marketing background
  • Organized
  • Strategic
  • Ability to effectively promote events
  • Ability to coordinate creative materials with multiple organizations and people