Say Hello to Lyela’s Kitchen at The Market
In 2022, the Downtown Farmers’ Market welcomes new and beloved vendors to Downtown Des Moines (DSM). During your next visit to The Market, stop by and Say Hello to new vendor Lyela’s Kitchen.
Say Hello
Say Hello to Lyela’s Kitchen, a Halal kitchen serving Pakistani and Indian food. New to The Market this year, Umme Lyela Ali learned to cook from her grandmother and mother. Umme Lyela wanted to bring healthy, authentic Pakistani food to a new audience and decided to apply to be a vendor. She serves up butter chicken, vegetable biryani, paneer masala, samosas (vegetable and beef), beef tikka, chicken tandoori, chicken Seekh kebab wraps and, for a beverage, she sells mango lassi. If you’ve never had her food, she suggests trying the vegetable samosa or chicken Seekh kebab wrap. Umme Lyela has enjoyed meeting people from different cultures at The Market and would love to meet all of you! 
Say Hello when you’re at The Market Saturdays through October from 8 a.m. – Noon!
From May to October, experience local artists, live music and entertainment at the Downtown Farmers’ Market featuring nearly 300 family farmers, bakers, artists and crafters from around the state. It’s easy to visit with plentiful and affordable street and ramp parking options.