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These playbooks are intended to support organizations and leaders who must make the incredibly difficult decisions about reopening and ongoing operations. The expert-led, data-driven playbooks have been guided by input from the DSM Forward Task Force made up of Greater Des Moines Partnership Board Members, Capital Crossroads leadership and other industry leaders. The Partnership worked with Bâton Global to guide this this process, which included extensive feedback from business, industry and community leaders and the community at-large. Recommended practices for each business function and selected industries across DSM have been collected and curated from and developed in alignment with numerous trusted sources including, but not limited to:

The industry playbooks include industry-specific recommendations to help guide businesses and organizations as they determine pathways toward the future in an everchanging landscape. The business function playbooks include takeaways that are specific to professional functions that could be present in any business, regardless of industry.

Relevant + Up-to-Date Content

The playbooks are living, breathing instruments that will be updated regularly as the COVID-19 response continues to evolve and more information becomes available. These resources will be regularly updated with new information from these sources and also with researched answers to your most Frequently Asked Questions. A number of other industries will also be added as The Partnership and Task Force work with industry leaders to ensure the most relevant, accurate information is presented. Also, please collaborate with us to help improve these resources by taking this Community Survey. Given the rapid pace of change, all readers are advised to comply strictly with the most up-to-date guidelines from federal, state and local governments available in the FAQ section.

Legal Disclaimer

The Greater Des Moines Partnership's DSM Forward playbook is not intended to constitute legal advice or provide specific direction. The preparation of a business continuity or preparations plan should be undertaken with the advice and direction of appropriate specialists and personnel, in consideration of the unique circumstances impacting each business. Third-party websites or material linked to or referenced in DSM Forward are for informational purposes only and do not constitute a recommendation of The Partnership of that material or its authors.